Creation of universities, establishments and university campuses
- Dahir (Royal Decree) establishing law n° 1.75.398 on the creation of universities. ( French)
- Decree n° 2-90-554 concerning university establishments and university campuses (French)
Higher Teacher Training Schools
Dahir n° 1.09.100 enacting Law n° 47.08 on the transfer of higher teacher training schools run by the Department of National Education to universities (Arabic).
Call for applications to the presidency of the university
- Decree n° 2.01.1999 defining the components of the committee in charge of studying applications and university development projects in order to select three applicants for the presidency of the university (French)
- Decree n° 2.01.2352 charging the Minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research to fix the terms for application to the presidency of the university (Arabic)
- Decision n° 1774-01 of the minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research setting out the terms for call for application to the presidency of the university (Arabic)
University councils
- Decree n° 2.01.2326 fixing the terms of appointment and election of the members of university councils (Arabic)
- Decision n° 1269-02 of the minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research defining the terms of the organization of elections of elected members of university councils (completing decision) ( Arabic )
Universities’ management board
- Decree n° 2.01.2327 laying down the terms of appointment of universities’ management board (Arabic)
Establishments’ council
- Decree n° 2.01.2328 defining the components of university establishments’ councils, method of appointment or election of their members as well as the terms of their operation (Arabic)
- Decision n° 1270-02 of the minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research establishing the terms of election of the elected members of university establishments’ councils (completing decision) (Arabic)
Scientific committee
- Decree n° 2.01.2329 defining the components and the operation of the scientific committee of university establishments as well as the terms of appointment and election of their members (Arabic)
- Decision n° 1271-02 of the minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research setting out the terms of elections of representatives of higher education professors in the scientific committee (Arabic)
Non-university higher education
Non-university higher education establishments
- Decree n° 2.03.201 fixing the list of non-university higher education establishments (French)
- Decree n° 2-02-516 enacting article 28 of law n° 01.00 on the organization of higher education (French)
- Decree n° 2.05.885 enacting article 33 of law n° 01-00 on the organization of higher education (French)
Permanent committee of teaching staff management within non-university establishments
- Decree n° 2-02-517 defining the composition of permanent committee teaching staff management, method of appointment of its members and terms of its operation (Arabic)
Vocation of university establishments
- Decree n° 2-04-89 of June 7, 2014 (corresponding to 18 Rabii II 1425 Anno hegirae) fixing vocation of university establishments, higher education cycles as well as corresponding national diplomas (Arabic)
Non-university Higher education establishments
- List of non-university establishments (Arabic)
Regulatory legislative texts on faculties of medicine and pharmacy and dental medicine
- Decision n° 479-91 of the minister of national education issued on March 11, 1991 (corresponding to 24 Ramadan 1411 anno hegirae) fixing the enrollment conditions to the competitive examination of the first year of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy and dental medicine (Arabic)
- Decision n° 1320-03 of the minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research dated June 30, 2003 (corresponding to 29 Rabii II 1424 anno hegirae) fixing the enrollment conditions to the competitive examination of the first year of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy and dental medicine for the preparation of degree as a Doctor in Medicine or in Dental medicine (Arabic)
Doctorate (1997 reform)
- Decree n° 2-96-796 of February 19, 1997 (corresponding to 11 chaoual 1417 anno hegirae) establishing the rules governing studies and examinations for the award of doctorates, advanced graduate and specialized graduate degrees and the conditions and procedures for accrediting the academic establishments responsible for the preparation and award of these degrees (Arabic)
National competitive examination
- Decree n° 2-94-475 of January 20, 1995 (corresponding to 18 Chaabane 1415 anno hegirae) on the national competitive examination for admission to certain engineering training schools (Arabic)
- Decision n° 1824-95 of the minister of higher education, executives’ training and scientific research dated March 7, 1995 (corresponding to 6 chaoual 1415 anno hegirae) defining the nature and terms of the running of common examinations for admission to certain engineering training establishments and equivalent establishments as well as their coefficients and their duration (Arabic)
- Engineering Cycle
- Master’s Degree and Specialized Master’s Degree
- Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Studies and Professional Bachelor’s Degree
- Diploma of National Schools of Trade and Management
- Technology University Diploma (DUT)
- Doctoral Cycle
- Two Preparatory Years to Engineering Cycle -CPGE-
- Master’s Cycle in Sciences and Technologies -MST-
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences and Technologies -LST-
- Translator Cycle of King Fahd School of Translation (Arabic V.)
- Nursing Professions’ and Health Techniques Diploma (Arabic V.)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Arabic version)
- Doctorate in Medicine (Arabic V).
- Doctorate in Pharmacy (Arabic V).
- Doctorate in Dental Medicine (Arabic V)
- NPSG specific to establishments not affiliated to Universities