Non-university Establishments
The sector of non-university higher education establishments currently consists of 71 establishments under various authorities and with different legal status. They are divided into four training poles as follows:
- Scientific and Technical Establishments ;
- Administrative, Economic, Legal and Social training establishments ;
- Pedagogical establishments;
- Military and paramilitary training establishments.
Non-university establishments contribute significantly in the national
Non-university establishments make a significant contribution to the national effort to train the necessary human skills to accompany the major structural projects and the country’s sectoral development programs (INDH, Emergence Plan, Green Morocco Plan, Digital Morocco Plan, national training programs, etc.).
Non-university establishments are all regulated access and are also renowned for the career-building nature of their training courses, which meet the sectoral needs of the national economy. The entire training system of non-university establishments addresses a wide range of fields of specialization, divided into 9 training sectors, namely:
- Architecture, urban Planning, Development and Environment Sector ;
- Art, Culture and Sport Sector;
- Administrative, Legal and Management Studies Sector;
- Agricultural, Forestry and Marine Sciences Sector;
- Education Sciences Sector ;
- Life and Earth Sciences Sector ;
- Engineering and Technology Sciences Sector ;
- Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies Sector ;
- Social and Health Sciences Sector.